Very many human beings ask themselves what one’s purpose in life and one’s responsibility is, to which the only answer for the purpose of life is that it is the fulfilment of the relative evolution of consciousness. With regard to responsibility, the answer is that this is based on the entire conduct of life, in every aspect of behavior towards oneself, all fellow human beings, and all life of fauna and flora. But embedded therein is also the responsibility with regard to learning and following the Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations. And this is the case whether it suits the human being or not, because one must fulfil one’s purpose in life, just as one must accept one’s responsibility. If the human being does not comply, difficulties arise in many respects, whereby damage of some kind becomes inevitable, be it material, physical, psychological, or conscious.
The human being lives on this planet Earth, and it is decidedly better for the human being if one follows the Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations and does everything necessary for oneself with regard to oneself, in order to gain everything that is right for oneself. This means, however, that one must also do something good for one’s fellow human being and for the fauna and flora and therefore also cultivate true compassion, and this is the seed that, when it germinates, also allows love to grow. So, the whole thing must be cultivated very carefully, also because from it arise all the other high values that make a human being a true human being. So, all good human qualities are promoted, although these have nothing to do with belief, religion, or sectarianism, but are based solely and exclusively on the neutral Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations. The human being must be absolutely clear about this, because everything and anything is ultimately a human matter when it comes to fulfilling the purpose of life and the responsibility to which all are assigned and which all must fulfill.
In principle, following these is not a luxury, but according to the Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations, it is a question of the survival of oneself, as well as of all humanity. Every human being can and must afford to follow the Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations, because one will never go wrong, and without them, one cannot live any more than one can without the basic human characteristics, regardless of whether one is aware of it or not. Life can be lived very well and courteously without faith and religion, but not without the absolutely neutral Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations, which also determine causality. So, following them is of the utmost importance, because they determine conscious and mental-emotional stability, as well as peace, freedom, and harmony, both internally and externally.

In fact, the human beings must be social creatures, for one cannot exist in any other way, because all human beings are more or less interdependent on one another and also interconnected to one another. This also applies to one who isolates oneself and are separated, because they are nevertheless connected to their fellow humans in some way, even if it is only in a very loose form. So, everyone lives together somehow, regardless of whether one likes or hates one another. Just as nature determines that certain species and genera live together more peacefully and cooperatively in the fauna and flora, the same applies to the human species. This is true even when hatred and revenge, xenophobia and racial hatred and other vices often prevent this, because the human beings give in to wrong impulses and violate all Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations.
The human being has made their own laws, recommendations, ordinances, regulations, and constitutions and live according to them, either obeying or violating them. But the fauna and flora did not create all these things for themselves but live in unison according to the Creational-Natural Laws and thus work together much more effectively than humans do with their self-made laws. Even the tiniest insects live according to natural forces and thus according to what is Creational-Natural. The whole of nature is put together in this way and oriented towards the natural, without self-made laws, recommendations, regulations, and constitutions etc., which is in contrast to the human beings, who believe themselves to be masters of everything. Nature, the whole of the fauna and flora, does not need a police force, self-made laws, faith, or religion. All of this is unique to the human being, because on the one hand they believe themselves to be greater than they really are, and on the other hand, paradoxically, because they humble themselves and put gods and idols above themselves, rather than being the responsible masters of their own lives and actions.
Fundamentally, the human beings forget their nature, which is determined by Creational-Natural Laws, and they neglect their conscious development, by focusing their thoughts and the feelings that result from them, only on material values and on any material progress and similar development. In fact, however, the conscious development of oneself and of all humanity should be based on the foundation of Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations in order to build upon them. But the human beings have long since lost the sense of this, and as a result they only strive for negative and valueless things and let their existence fade away in ignorance and unwisdom. The right thing would be for all human beings to act in responsible cooperation in accordance with the causal and neutral Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations.
However, this must happen in love, harmony, peace, and freedom, not by force, such as through war, conflict, jealousy and violent coercion, etc. It is up to oneself to make great efforts to create in the consciousness and in the thoughts a sense of responsibility for the whole, as well as a common interest in the fellow human beings, rather than just in one’s own personal interests. This means that fundamentally healthy thoughts and feelings must be cultivated, and one must also educate oneself, instead of emulating pathological ideologies and religious beliefs, whose practices are only brainwashing, which is why they defend and enforce this goal by all unfair means. However, these methods and means are abstract and malicious because they suppress the sense of responsibility and create an enslavement of the consciousness, as well as psychological dependence and bondage. In contrast, a real sense of responsibility can only truthfully develop within the human being through the observance of the Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations.
The human being as bearer/master of one’s own intellect, with reason and logic, must collectively collaborate with all fellow human beings equally in accordance with the Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations, because humanity needs real and all-inclusive cooperation. Only such cooperation can bring about a development that creates good relationships with others and gives compassion, love and forbearance, peace, freedom, and harmony their due place. Through all these high values, disputes, hatred, revenge, retaliation, jealousy, and war, etc. can be contained, made to disappear or even nipped in the bud. All high values, as given by the neutral Creational-Natural Laws and Recommendations, are the basis for ensuring that no conflicts arise or existing ones are resolved, no matter how serious they may be. Through the Creational-Natural high values, individuals and the mass of human beings may find each other, rise above the barriers of everything negative and find what it is to be a true human being, whereby the whole of humanity can grow together, if only these Laws and Recommendations are followed.
‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier
July 8th 2011
ORIGINAL GERMAN SOURCE: Schopferisch-Naturliche Gesetze und Gebote
This is an authorized translation of a FIGU publication. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English. The British-English language has been specifically elected by the Plejaren as being the most suitable English language variation for the translation of all German FIGU publications.