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Broken Recommendations & Broken Dreams

Writer's picture: आँ Marilyn | FSG USA INCआँ Marilyn | FSG USA INC
Broken Recommendations & Broken Dreams | FIGU USA BLOG

Each day as I enter out amidst a world of increasingly grey skies, towering cold concrete, and growing scents of decay, my heart deeply aches at the sight of what the earth has become and has yet to endure. When I further hear the vast utterances by the masses, beckoning the arrival of their long-awaited for miraculous restoration of the lands, yet in duplicity, speak of their consent toward the very factors which detrimentally hinder both land and life, I am brought to utter sadness. Feeling the creational oneness and WE-form that is ALL, it is as though I can physically feel the pain of the world spiraling and blazing within me.

The human beings of earth plea, long for, and harbor dreams of a coming “Eden”, a fanciful land, a tropical paradise, which not only relics lush greenery, blue skies, clear waters and an array of delectable nourishments, but above all, is the envisionment of neighborly Love, true Peace and world Harmony. Hitherto, the human beings of earth see not that this very land lies not amidst a heavenly realm beyond the clouds, but lies in wait desolate beneath their very feet awaiting transformation. Woefully, the masses of the human beings of earth have closed off their vital senses, becoming numb and having not the eyes to see what lies in wait, nor the ears to hear these heart-wrenching words of truth, as the earth cries out through the rain, and pleads through the howls of the wind for the very things the human being of earth, both himself and herself seeks.

Will the masses not allow their eyes to see and ears to hear with lucidity, how in the breaking of one single recommendation (although in truth all recommendations have been broken) also lies the breaking of every possible dream that the human being of earth longingly holds dear. It has been said since times of old, “Thou shall not kill”, in correctness, “Thou shall not kill in depravity”, nevertheless this is carried out with every passing precious second of time, by the very hands of the masses themselves, in ways that remain unheeded by them.

Broken Recommendations & Broken Dreams | FIGU USA BLOG
Ancient Symbol for Life (Leben)

Woefully here-so: With the vast slaughter of all forms of life via war. The slaying of thy neighbor via senseless murder, and the endorsed death penalty. The killing of oneself or thy neighbor via suicide and euthanasia. The needless public and private licensing of weapons in which the weapon-holder deems when a life may be taken. The negligence toward one’s own life, and the life of another, via sports for excitement and entertainment. The killing of animals for fun and sport via hunting. The excess killing of animals for luxury goods, clothing and gluttony. The harsh excavating and unearthing of lands for precious metals, jewels and surplus riches. The destruction of lands via warfare and atomic experimental detonations. The eradicating of lands, and other life-forms, for indulgence in entertainment, such as, the displacement of plant and animal life, and the excess killing of such, via deforestation of airable lands, for the needless constructing of luxury living, concert halls, sports arenas, shopping centers, casinos, resorts, gyms, salons, excess roads, and highways to entertainment ... And these are but a mere few to be mentioned, to be fathomed by the human beings of earth, from merely one single broken recommendation.

At last to be heeded, is the highly disregarded immense extinction and eradication of all non-human life on Earth (such as plants, animals, insects and microorganisms), as well as the desecrating and polluting of the Earth itself (which lives and breathes just as the human being of earth does), as the human being of earth continues to take far more than it needs (and should), for the creation of excess descendants on a planet visibly densely-populated and ill-treated by the human being of earth, in the very manner already explained, as though the Earth were solely created to house the life of Man alone.

How the masses have turned a blind eye to such a truth as overpopulation is unfathomable, as it is clear to see that barely any land relics on Earth today that remains unuprooted, untouched and unconcreted over by the hands of Man. This, while the human being of earth heeds not how they routinely seek (the pursuit of vacations) to flee from the very view of their inheritance (which is that which they have created of the earth), and in desperation flock toward what few lands of beauty remain existant upon the earth.

In consequence, the masses continue to extinct land, plants, animals and organisms, in turn, more and more land and life, to house and feed surplus descendants, whom in the near future will only require and demand much more resources then their progenitors, and the current populace, as most are being bred in acquisitiveness, when it remains evidently clear that the Earth’s resources are rendered scarce. They fail to heed, that as they continue to plunder and rob the lands, to serve themselves and the ever-growing population, they are corrupting the essential biodiversity of the planet, damaging the biosphere and drawing to extinction the very ecosystems which are crucial to the preservation of human life itself (reckoning man himself as the true cause of the increasing and destructive change in climate).

More importantly, they see not that human life could not have come into existence without the lands, fauna and flora, to which origins precede the human being, yet is treated as insignificant. Furthermore, they heed not what dangers lie in wait for them, their descendants and the generations of future times, which may come to fruition due to their increasing desire and demand for convenience, idleness and entertainment to be fulfilled by way of advancements in technologies that they have yet to understand the detrimental gravity of. Yet woefully, they will only take notice of such, when the end is nigh.

Broken Recommendations & Broken Dreams | FIGU USA BLOG
Ancient Symbol for Harmony (Harmonie)

Many heeding the false biblical notion of old to “be fruitful and multiply”, the masses reckon it is their right to produce descendants to no limit, thus eradicate land and life to only make room for themselves, their descendants and indulgences. The human being of earth heeds not that the Laws of Creation set a limit on Human procreation on Earth (of 2 to 3 offspring per household, under normal and healthy circumstances), to which is justly set on all planets, based on the planets size and its resources (which are not infinite), to which is not a limit set as punishment, but as a limit set in fairness of all life and love, that all created life may be permitted to live, flourish and exist justly.

The masses bear witness to the emerging economic disasters and intensified erratic environmental occurrences, yet ask not why this in truth is occurring (which is anthropogenic), nor reasonably ponder the root to which food and resource shortages truly stem. In veracity it remains so, that mankind through their destructive actions has changed and disturbed the natural course of the planet’s evolution, in turn bringing to extinction more life then aware, to which some had never even become known to man. And woefully, the greatly distressed planet has been thrown into self-preservation and now defends itself against the human being. This is not to be misunderstood as punishment (as assumed and/or asserted amid the vast false statements of such within the many doctrines of convictions), because this is not so, for the truth presents itself to the human being of earth time and time again, although the masses woefully do not heed the signs. Although the mass of humanity plunders and destroys the lands since time immemorial, the human continues to be provided air, food, water and all other necessities for their continuance, thus the Creation does not do as the human being, and does not take life, but grants life! In unappreciation, it remains the mass of humanity whom corrupts the gift of the life bestowed upon them and all that has been provided to preserve all of existence on Earth.

Whilst the present earths inhabitants have reached a civility which remained unheeded by their forbearers, the descendants of today lamentably continue to serve the long-dead ancient ones via the observance of the falsified convictions created by them, as well as the countless ill-willed ones whom followed with “Teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of Men”. In such that the inhabitants of the present time raise up ill-willed earth men, such as governments, officials, popes, elites, the rich and the famous to the heights of idolatry and worship, mirroring those to which they revere. All to which the evils of war, murder, theft, greed, riches, lusts, poorness, segregation and unequalizedness on Earth continue and brew a mighty storm.

Woefully, in all this the masses revel deep in their faiths, beliefs and convictions, although neither the signs nor wonders of the ancients exist anymore, yet they close their eyes and ears in wantonness of the fulfillment of their own desires (of vacations, luxuries, entertainment, idleness, and other indulgences), while the ill-willed ones (the men and women which they have chosen and elected to rule over them), deceitfully avow that that the growing change in climate would be of a natural kind (such as inclement weather, presumed natural disasters, and other abnormal climatic events). Likewise, that the current state of chaos is but normal life, while the world clearly lingers in contradiction, with poverty yet wealth, famine yet gluttony, deprivation yet indulgence, and chanting for peace, yet raging of war.

If the human being of earth endeavors toward true love, within himself and herself, not the false love fulfilled and driven by the material, with starkness these woes would become recognizable to them, in which reason, logic and transformation of great proportions could ensue. Let the human being of earth in the dawn of this new day, upon this golden age of man, endeavor for change, both within and without, that there may become peace both on and within the earth.

(Whose Lives are Illuminated by Love)

Relegeous Truth

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