The term love is an old, but for countless people a worn-out word that many often only utter with great timidity. Although love is sung in many music lyrics, because in these, everything revolves around love, the whole thing is nothing more than smoke and mirrors, because all the words in the song are just empty phrases and do not correspond to real love. And when people talk about love, the word love is immediately associated with fulfilled or unfulfilled sexuality, which gives the whole thing an ugly sound and desecrates the term love. But no matter how great and ugly this desecration may be, deep down in their thoughts and feelings, every person longs for real love. Everyone longs for a healthy and positive self-love through which they can recognize and value themselves without being selfish, egotistical, or narcissistic. And in the same way, every person longs to be loved unconditionally, honestly and with dignity by another person. And without exception, every person is filled with joyful mental and emotional reactions when they sincerely feel love for another person, and these reactions become even greater and even more powerful when the love felt is returned by the other person. When this happens, something visibly blossoms within the person because their face radiates love, joy, and harmony. And this happens in every person who truly loves, as well as when they realize that they too are unconditionally recognized and loved in their love. Love - so it is said in fairy tales - can bring people who have been enchanted back to life through malicious magic, turning them into frogs and animals or stone figures, into princes, into girls and boys, or into adults. Of course, these are fairy tales, but love remains despite everything, because it is also in fairy tales that miracles are performed, even if they are only fantastic fairy tale characters who are transformed through love into desirable people who are happy and can make people happy.
When a person wishes for love, he does not only wish to be able to give love, but also to be loved by another person, or by several others. Because love is not a feeling, of being In-Love, that corresponds only to a mental or emotional and thus superficial impulse, but is based on a feeling that is much more profound and goes far beyond all mental or emotional impulses and thus connects us profoundly. Love is its own immeasurably valuable quality of inner prosperity that is also transferred to other people; be it to a friend, in a relationship, family or in relation to a group of people, to all fellow human beings as well as the fauna and flora, nature, the planet or the entire universe and thus to the creation of universal consciousness. And the person who feels and cultivates love in himself in this way knows that what is thriving in him in this regard is reality and truth, and therefore also true love. And that is because it radiates, and it is not a feeling of being in love, but is real and true. Love is not a feeling of being in love with yourself, with a person, with an object, with an animal or with anything else, but it is something that permeates everything and is reflected in the person themselves when they feel real and true love within themselves.
Love is a fundamental human longing, although this love should ultimately not simply be directed towards other people, towards oneself or towards any other things, because the meaning of love is that the person ultimately becomes love themselves.
Only in this way, when man becomes love itself, can he envelop everything around him in his love, meet everything with true love and thereby draw out love and joy in life in his fellow human beings. And if this love is given, then every flower, every blade of grass and every leaf of a tree, as well as every living creature, is viewed with love and reverence. True love teaches that everything and everything that exists is organized according to creative law to thrive, so that it can master its existence and lead its life according to what is constantly and inexorably determined for it by the law. In this way, the person who has created true love within himself looks at everything around him and feels that everything also shows him true love and that it flows through him. And he feels that everything he does is constantly shaped by his own love, as is everything around him.

Man needs true love to introduce himself to the secret of true love, which bubbles up in him as a spring if he lets it flow freely. But he must first free the spring of all the burdens and inhibitions in the form of evil, false, negative, and bad thoughts and feelings that weigh on it and have buried it. This must be handled carefully, however, so even the rubbish must be cleared away with love. If this is not done in this way, however, and useful things are not used to open the spring of love, then excessive demands will occur, and the unsuitable material will be transformed into further burdens and the spring will be closed off even more. The material that closes off the source is always the aggressive, false, and negative thoughts and feelings, which, with their heavy burden, stifle the love that is trying to be achieved. They are the ones that have an evil, negative and bad effect on the source of love and constantly suppress and close off its potential flow, so that it cannot let its love flow freely. And it will stay that way if the rubble in the form of negative, negating, and bad thoughts and feelings is consciously nurtured and cared for, instead of being cleansed by the source of love so that it dissolves and clears the way. If the rubble remains because it is persisted through negative and bad thoughts and feelings, then it will remain lying on the source of love like bad garbage, and consequently all the meager efforts to create love will be disrupted and prevented. Therefore, it is necessary to remove everything that can disrupt love, such as the negative, negating, and bad stirrings of thoughts and feelings that close off the source of love as rubble. All of this must be cleared away: anger, anxiety, falseness and fear, jealousy and disappointment, hatred, dishonesty, discord, inner imprisonment, disharmony, and unhappiness.
All of this must be surrendered and resolved, because only in this way can real love bubble up from the source of love and transform people into something good and positive.
When people indulge in true love and live in it, and take it with them everywhere, they resolve all their internal and external conflicts, whatever they may be and wherever they may be; be it in the family, in a friendship, at work or wherever. True love is like a fine breath that is sprinkled on everything and makes everything flow lovingly and harmoniously; and when this happens, it transforms not only the person himself, but also his life. And when the source of love bubbles up in people, it forbids them nothing, neither being angry, nor feeling hurt or anything else, because love only wants everything that a person experiences to be flooded with true love. And when this actually happens, then conflicts and all unpleasantness that arise in existence and life are seen in a completely different light. Even reprimands are understood correctly and no longer seen as reproaches and unfair accusations, but - if they are understood with love - as well-meaning and instructive instructions. However, if love is lacking, for example in relation to the recognition of reality and its truth, then understanding is also lacking, and self-pity and tearful thoughts and feelings are therefore inevitable. And even when love is embedded in everything, there are not always smooth and quick solutions in life, especially when reality and its truth have a certain harshness that is all too often misinterpreted by self-pity, self-congratulation or ignorance and rejection of the truth. Love also loves reality and its truth, and it wants everything to be looked at carefully and with love, so that everything that happens is interpreted lovingly and correctly, so that nothing wrong comes of it and no emotions arise that are alien to love. Love also wants thoughts and feelings to be properly nurtured and cared for, perceived and taken seriously, without loveless, self-pitying and truth-rejecting emotions gaining the upper hand when a conflict arises. True love also wants people not to cling to hurt thoughts and feelings, nor to generate self-pity and hatred from them, but rather it wants people to let love question everything, so that in this way they always only recognize reality and its truth and classify, understand, and accept everything accordingly.
Love does not mean simply having loving thoughts and feelings but love also requires knowledge and wisdom so that what is good and right can be truly seen and treated with love accordingly.
The term Love comes from the Old High German word Liebe, which therefore means something to be regarded as good, assessed, and treated well, etc. This requires knowledge and wisdom, however, that something that falls into this framework, such as, a person, a situation, an event, a reprimand, etc., is shown to be liked, something good, a good assessment, good treatment, or a favor, etc. Viewed in this way, it is possible for people to open their eyes in love in order to see themselves and their family members, people in their circle of acquaintances and friends, or other people in general in a new and loving light. In this way, love also opens the mind to discover the good core of their own person and that of their fellow people. And when this happens, they can treat themselves and everything around them better, and include everything in their own truthful, knowledgeable, and wise love. This also makes it possible to deal better with all people, conflicts, events, and situations, as well as with the fauna and flora, existence and one's own life in a loving way. It is to be hoped that everyone will live more and more in the secret of the creative-natural laws of love, that everyone will let the source of love bubble up within themselves, which never dries up and makes life worth living. People do not have to create true love within themselves from scratch, because it is always present to them through the source of love, because it is predetermined by the creative laws. So, they only have to clear the rubble of their evil, negative, negating, pessimistic and bad thoughts and feelings away from the source and let it bubble up so that it never dries up again and they can drink from it throughout their entire life.
‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier
February 23rd 2013
ORIGINAL GERMAN SOURCE: Rund um die Quelle der Liebe
Liebe = Love
This is an authorized translation of a FIGU publication. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English. The British-English language has been specifically elected by the Plejaren as being the most suitable English language variation for the translation of all German FIGU publications.