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Inclination and the Relationship

Writer's picture: आँ Marilyn | FSG USA INCआँ Marilyn | FSG USA INC
Affection and the Relationship | FSG USA BLOG


Zuneigung (Inclination) is a very beautiful word and its concept encompasses the significance of an embracing connectedness. Through Zuneigung (Inclination), human beings connect with one another, they incline towards one another in thought, feeling and fine-spiritual perception. In this form, a direction is expressed that is anchored in an enduring harmonious motion. In this context, it is up to the individual whether they want to remain in this motion and thus persist in their point of view or not. But where an inclination arises, a certain form of love also arises, which in turn signifies motion, because a human being's perceptions or feelings set out on a journey towards another. Thus, feelings and fine-spiritual perceptions incline towards another human being according to their form of love. And in this motion, when two human beings incline towards each other, then they can find each other in their perceptions as well as in their thoughts and feelings, and indeed - somewhere in the middle or at the points of origin. And only when a real inclination has come about and a true motion has taken place is there the ability for a real encounter in connectedness, because it is only through Zuneigung (Inclination) that an understanding for the other human being comes into being, with one person setting out on the way to the other.

Eduard, 9 Years old

February 3rd 1946


Life always offers surprises, both in and with human beings, in life and in nature. These surprises are ongoing and change from hour to hour, from day to day, from week to week, from month to month and from year to year. Over and over again, new things appear, others disappear, some are beautiful, good and loving, others are bad, ugly and hateful. In the process, humans become aware of many things, but much remains beyond recognition. Much he/she sees with his/her own eyes or perceives with his/her other senses, but other things remain hidden from him/her; and some things lift him/her up to the highest heights, while other things throw him/her down into abysmal depths. This is especially true in terms of relationships between human beings, because these are constantly changing. Many relationships are subject to becoming and passing away because they are built on impermanence, the end of which is pre-programmed. Other relationships, however, such as those that are good, profound, built on true love and connection and nurtured, are anchored in trust and deference, and their direction lies in their expansion and deepening, and thus in an aliveness that generates constant growth, love and harmony.

Affection and the Relationship | FSG USA BLOG
Ancient Symbol for Connectedness (Verbundenheit)

A true relationship in true love and connectedness is like a never-ending cornucopia and at the same time like an aegis, whereby the entire relationship, love and harmony, as well as peace, happiness and freedom, are protected. In every true relationship, each human being decides for himself/herself what should grow and be prosperous in it, what intimacy is given and how the intimate minutes and hours in togetherness are shaped. Although even the most intimate relationships can be attacked from the outside by the envious, the presence of vulnerability offers no chance for such negative or evil attempts at interference to flourish, as the real and true relationship can be maintained with lightness. Attacks from the outside through jealousy, hatred, feelings of revenge or disfavour, etc. work like rampant weeds that break through any soil, no matter how firm, with extreme force. However, if a true relationship in the form of love and deference is given, then no attack, no matter how malicious, is able to break through the protection of the relationship, and consequently no damage can be done.

A true relationship is also built on responsibility and the fulfilment of that responsibility, and it needs to be nurtured just like love itself, like peace, harmony and freedom. It must be constantly nourished by taking the necessary time to care for each other and to cultivate togetherness among human beings who are in a relationship. This also means that clarifying discussions must take place, as must entertaining and interest-nurturing conversations. Frustration and misunderstandings must be rectified and cleared up, although in the best true relationship, stormy differences of opinion are sometimes unavoidable, but this has nothing to do with strife, discord, friction, bickering, quarrelling, nagging, bickering, anger and rage or with hostility, tension, reproaches, grumpiness, slander or the like.

A relationship is constantly and inexorably changing, but to prevent it from simply passing by and becoming uninteresting over time, it must be constantly nurtured and kept alive. This means that new elements must be introduced into the relationship again and again and that it must be continuously developed in order to ensure its continued existence for all time.

Eduard, 9 years old

July 27th 1946


ORIGINAL GERMAN SOURCE: Zuneigung und Beziehung


Beziehung = Realtionship

Zuneigung = Inclination / Love


This is an authorized translation of a FIGU publication. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English. The British-English language has been specifically elected by the Plejaren as being the most suitable English language variation for the translation of all German FIGU publications.

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