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A Look into the Clouded Mirror

Writer's picture: आँ Marilyn | FSG USA INCआँ Marilyn | FSG USA INC
A Look into the Clouded Mirror | FIGU USA Blog

That which the human being thinks (Respectively the essence of the thought), which is of a just or unjust nature, creates the corresponding energy therefrom, in either a positive or negative form. These vibrations traverse the lands as a powerful force, attracting and binding to thoughts, respectively energies of the same wise, to which it grows in strength. It is this amassed energy which ricochets, affecting not merely thy neighbor, but the equilibrium of all life. Thereupon, either seeds of harmony or disharmony are sown by mankind upon the earth, thus that which the human being bears witness to (a Utopia or Dystopia), is the fruit thereof, and in such, their inheritance.

The human being ought understand the ebb and flow of the life, respectively the interconnectedness of the Laws and the Being, that just change may ensue, and to truly understand how this dystopian inheritance came to be, which stands before the mass of humanity of these times and will woefully remain such for a time. Man has long lost the preciousness of the Gift of Life, thus in consequence, likewise the accepting of the responsibility, in return for such a gift. The human being both thrives and strives amid myriad Creational Laws, to which the laws gifted-to man serve to aid the human being on the path of giving-to the evolution of the Spirit-form in a just (equal) wise. In this respect, it is to be understood that the following of the laws is a recommendation, thus the for-or-against the laws remains up to the human being and is never imposed, as with a commandment, to which the human being must follow, as false religions, sects, philosophies and/or other ideologies may assert. In light of such, the human being ought heed, that they truly hold dominion (as master) over the destiny of the material life, as well as the extent of progress of the immaterial evolution, equally as individuals and as an indivisible-individuum,

Consequently, it befits the human being to recognize that all outcomes of a personal-nature (individual) are and have been chosen by them and them alone, accordingly all outcomes and the chain-reactions that may result from them are their responsibility, and whether the result be of a positive (good) and/or negative (ungood) nature, all that the human being reckons as reward (favorable outcome) and/or punishment (unfavorable outcome) in the life is self-chosen in this respect, and will indeed be given in the present life (at some point or another), thus not in the form of a karma, as false convictions proclaim. Conversely, that which lies in wait and/or sets the stage for the future, so to speak, is that which is being created and/or has been long-created of a collective-nature (indivisible-individuum) via the collective-deeds of humanity and in such is passed on as an inheritance to those to come, albeit in a genetic, societal, economical and/or cultural form, and others of the like, etc. However, it ought be understood that the coalescent-inheritance nevertheless does not remain a certain and/or unmovable-imposition, as every new personality is born of neutral-wise (unburdened), thus always has the free-will choice in accepting good (positive) and/or bad (negative) in the measures chosen by them, despite how easy the path or coarse the terrain of the life, and thus all outcomes are decided upon solely by them, as well as what deeds shall be carried-on and/or created from them.

Negative-Positive (Negativ-Positiv)
Ancient Symbol for Negative-Positive (Negativ-Positiv)

If one were to heed the the Law of Interaction to which the notion of Oneness (Interconnectedness), respectively Law of Oneness, may be better understood, it is so that interaction, reaction and action amid fellow human beings (as well as all other life) is a given. Consequently, as per the Law of Cause and Effect it may arise that one may be met with the attempted-imposing negative free-will actions of another (Causal Origin) to which the receiving individual holds no control, however the receiving-one may very well control of their own free-will, via the Law of the Will, what shall become of the attempted-imposition (Effectual Motion). This is so, because one always holds decisive measure over the outcome via the Power of the own Free-will (the connection of the Human Being with the Fine-Fluidal realm), by way of the human being either accepting an experience (i.e. immaterial-impulse/energy and/or material-action/interaction, etc.) in Good Measure (Positive Value); as conscious learning, which can bring about an overcoming, resulting in resilience and promoting forgiveness -or- in Bad Measure (Negative Value); resulting in nescient unlearning, which may bring about a conscious debilitation, resulting in victimization and fostering unforgiveness, in alignment with the Law of Polarity (the presence of both the Positive and the Negative).

In turn, one ultimately chooses the extent of their woefulness (their Burden and Suffering) and/or happiness (their Alleviation and Peace) in life, which is chosen by the human being via their very own deeds (not the deeds of others), which results in the corresponding reward and/or punishment (no matter what form it may reveal itself in) in alignment with the Law of Fairness and (no matter what point in time it may come to pass) in alignment with the Law of Certainty. This fairness in alignment with the does not present itself simply via reward (advantage/progress/possibility) and/or punishment (disadvantage/hinderance/impossibility), but rather in fairness of neutrality remains a movable force. Namely, a human being whom may have trod on the path of the wrong and cultivated negative deeds, may always (via the Power of the own Free-Will, respectively the Law of the Will), turn to the way of the right. While the coarseness and/or ease of the transitional road may greatly vary per individual, one whom remains steadfast and diligent in their efforts, will ultimately heed (perceive) a transformation (replacing) of the negative energies of old -to- positive energies anew, to which the human being may now reap what is sown therefrom, in alignment with the Law of Progress. which requires both spectrums of the life to be created and experienced in order to come to fulfillment (i.e. positive-expression and negative-expression).

This is so by way, that the Human Being as a Creational Being in interconnection with the Law of Creating 'Creates', in one form or another positive and/or negative Deeds (i.e. fine-fluidal energies from thoughts, feelings, words, actions, etc.), to which these deed are sent-out into the etheric and attract and bind-to the deeds of a similar-wise (like-minded human beings), to which it increases in energy (amasses strength) and this enmassed energy of a now stronger-wise returns to all whom have affixed themselves to it (have accepted the deeds and cultivated the deeds as their own). Thus it is equally given back/returned to those whom have sent-it, as well as to those whom have chosen to receive-it, to which the Law of Attraction is made clear.

This laymen example is merely given to explicate how the Law of Fairness, Law of Equalizedness, Law of Attraction, Law of Cause and Effect, Law of Oneness and Law of Interaction work in conjunction with the aforesaid Law of Creating, to elucidate but a mere few. For if further examination into the example is wrought, one may discover a further array of laws (i.e. the Law of Contrariness, the Law of Motion, the Law of Bipolarity and above all the Law of Love, to mention but a mere few more). What is to be taken of this elemental example, is that the laws do not remain hidden in difficulty, but rather remain evident in simplicity, and are merely multifaceted, to which each law may present itself in diverse forms. Nevertheless all laws work in neutral-unison (Oneness) with one another, respectively in harmonious-flow (Equalizedness) and one ought simply utilize the intellect and rationality to discern them.

Thus the created ill-conceived notion by human beings that 'words do not hurt', likewise that actions simply thought-of but not carried-out would cause no harm, ought be deeply reconsidered. In exemplification, a misdeed of thought-form (such as contemplating an act of retaliation and/or revenge), and/or a misdeed of feeling-form (such as harboring uncontrolled resentment, lust and/or anger), could have dire consequences. While the deeds (i.e. thoughts and feelings) created may not be physically acted upon by the creating one(s), the corresponding thought/feeling-energies may stir (influence via impulse) like-minded others of a 'greater' uncontrolled and/or damaged psyche, whom could then proceed to carry-out acts of violence, rape and/or murder. For this reason it had been wisely advised by the (Guardian of the Treasure) that the human being ought examine their thoughts daily, to see of which kind they are, that all deeds (of both material and immaterial nature created by each Creator (Human Beings) be truly fathomed and brought to control in a neutral-wise.

Responsibility (Verantwortung)
Ancient Symbol for Responsibility (Verantwortung)

Once the human being has analyzed, corrected and truly mastered their own frailty (Obstacles), via realizing them and experiencing them (by living in them) and learning from such, can they proceed to understand and aptly aid thy neighbor in true form. For the human being whom is of false mastery, the obstacles of old etched within the consciousness, repeatedly push to the surface like lava from the pits of a volcano, frequently challenging the human being until mastery is attained (boomerang effect - repeat returning of ones own deeds). Those whom lack the free-will striving to face their reflection, the looking into the clouded mirror, retreat in deflection, allowing their minds to fall further into the abyss of both unknowingness and unresponsibility, to which the clawing of the way out merely becomes ever more difficult.

Within a realm where “Live and Help Live’”, has become “Live and Let Live’”, woefully most human beings have lost interest, sincerity and compassion toward the well-being of their fellow human being, which as a natural law (Law of Compassion), is altruistically ingrained deep within their being, as one of many creational seeds, yet has become choked by branching roots of egocentricity, thus depravity of the mind rages rampant like the spark of a wildfire in 100mph winds, to which a vanity spreads as a blanketed plume of dense smog across once clear lands. Consequently, more and more human beings become not only numb toward the caring for the well-fair of another life, but have become more and more reckless toward their own.

As we are a Oneness (We-form), it ought be moreover understood that the laws apply all-encompassingly (universally), thus it is not solely the individual whom is affected by positive and/or negative deeds and/or changes, but all of humanity in equal-responsibility, as an invisible-individuum and all other life. Therefore, via the change of all that is negative -to- all that is positive, does great change ensue and does one truly help the next. This is accomplished foremost via the leading by example and in essence (fine-fluidal energies) by way of the transforming of the negative to the positive, to which the newly created positive energies may take their mighty effect over the negative. Ergo, change begins upon each individual taking a look into the clouded mirror, recognizing their responsibility and beginning to work both within and without themselves toward the better, although the masses linger in the mistaken belief that it is the next one whom must make change, before they themselves. Thence, change does not in actuality take place with the whole synchronously as erroneously believed, but in truth begins and ends with the one (one individual at time, up until the last) until all have found their way, thus there will woefully be neither rest nor true peace, until all have fathomed this truth and become One.

Woefully, the horrific result of the negative energies can not be ignored, as they remain ever so clear when one heeds the present dystopia, to which even the earth, fauna and flora have not been spared, via the prevalent deeds long-created and enduringly-cultivated by the mass of humanity (i.e. hatred, greed, lust, jealousy, anger, pride, envy, selfishness, wantonness, wrath, entitlement, addiction, indulgence, disdain, unequalizedness, slothfulness, etc.), to which these deeds in truth outwardly reflect (mirror) that which truly harbors inwardly within the majority of mankind ("... it will be long, 800-years long ..."). Woefully, even most those whom heed the decline of humanity and unfolding chaos, simply return focus to the fulfillment of their own material desires, as they truly do not have eyes to see nor ears to hear, as the world advances toward destruction. Through this woeful but heart-wrenching clear sight ought the human being of earth finally endeavor for great change, instead of continuing on the path of destruction that has been long paved since time immemorial, and warrant a new path and way of life hereafter. That all life be granted its rightful place and opportunity to live in true love, utter peace and harmonic balance.

(Whose Lives are Illuminated by Love)

Relegeous Truth

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