About the BEING of creation as well as its energy and power, plus its work in all its 7 universes of the 7 dimensions in the entire space of creation; as well as about the existence and life of all fauna and flora, as well as about the behaviour of humans and their way of life and lifestyle. According to the teachings of Nokodemion from the neighbouring universe as well as the teachings of Sfath, the wise teacher from the very distant Plejaren stars in the neighbouring universe; learnt and reproduced by me in self-decision, self-reflection as well as in acceptance of different perspectives and empathic form, according to my own good social behaviour and for the purpose of teaching, advising and giving advice regarding life issues and also the all-energising creation life energy, in terms of the work and the entire development according to the teachings of Nokodemion.
A person's own thinking is very important to him, so he should not have religious or worldly beliefs. It is not a religious, worldly or any other definable or undefinable belief, but the independent thinking of man that brings him to a true and contented life and thus to his comprehensive mental health, as well as to true love and peace and freedom within himself and with his fellow human beings.
Firstly, I have the following to say ...
Questions that are only marginally related to the teaching of creation energy should not be pursued further and consequently should not be studied, because dealing with these topics contributes nothing to the evolution of true humanity. Evolution actually means a slow, uninterrupted and progressive development of large or large-scale contexts or a gradual further development to higher forms of living things, in this case to the evolution of human knowledge. In other words, evolution is about gaining strength through learning and applying the knowledge of evolution in all areas in which man is active and uses the comprehensively acquired knowledge in order, on the one hand, to become a true human being and, on the other hand, to give creation or all-encompassing nature and its entire existence as well as its universe-wide energy and power everything that is needed to preserve, appreciate, honour and promote it as it deserves.
The emphasis here is on 'operating' in reality and truth, and not just on theoretical knowledge, which cannot be applied in any way and brings no effective benefit, which is why theory is not evocative and not applicable, but only creates a superstructure of understanding that helps people and that they need in order to be able to form an idea of their world, their life and its meaning. Consequently, theoretical topics are in no way directly conducive to evolution; on the contrary, they distract from conscious evolution because they tempt many people to concern themselves with a topic
that does not help them in their personal lives.
Rebirth is only supposedly ...
Firstly, the so-called 'rebirth' should be brought up and serve to clarify that this does not and cannot exist, because the creation energy form is a form that , so to speak, a particle of the energy and power of creation. This energy with the power that exists in it cannot be It cannot therefore be reborn as a human being, because as an eternally existing creation life energy it is absolutely pure energy with great power, therefore not material like the human body which it animates and which is transient, dissolves, disintegrates and passes away when the creation life energy escapes from it and it becomes lifeless or is then dead.
As pure energy and power, it cannot be reborn, but it is given to it - like every type and form of energy - that it can continue to work in another foreign body in the form of consciousness (object, apparatus, etc.). The creation life energy form that animates the consciousness of a human being in terms of creation energy and thus also the personality belonging to it -like every animal, animalistic or other life form according to its genus and species - unites immediately after leaving consciousness with that absolutely only appropriate creation energy level in the area of the countless creation energy levels assigned only to the respective entity genus/species that are given in the universe space or in the creation area.
This is in order to fully 'process' all the countless experiences of knowledge gathered in their previous existence over a longer or shorter period of time. In this respect, everything that has arisen in the personality or human being during their existence in consciousness - in the same way as in animals, creatures or other life forms. In this sense of true truth and understanding, the creation life energy 'processes' the knowledge experiences that it has acquired and 'processes' in the creation energy level. The acquired knowledge experience of the previous existence as consciousness in an animated material body of a new personality or a human being - such as an animal, creature or other life form, which also have a kind of consciousness, but this according to their genus or species - is thus 'processed', as it is then stored for all time in the creation life energy and this then evolves as a result. This in turn benefits the next new personality, which is revitalised by the further evolved creation life energy and the consciousness working in it becomes more advanced and more evolved.
After a longer or shorter period of time, when as a rule all knowledge experience has been 'processed', a consciousness and thus a new personality is revived, which is conceived as a human being by humans - by man and woman. This when a sperm cell or sperm of the man fertilises an egg cell of the woman, whereby such fertilisation normally takes place in her fallopian tube, provided that a healthy egg cell is expelled from the ovary and in this way a so-called ovulation takes place and the egg cell is actually absorbed by the fallopian tube.
After conception, a so-called yolk sac first develops within a few days, after which the embryo emerges after a certain period of time in the womb, which forms quite naturally in the course of the developmental stage and lies within the amniotic sac laterally under the uterine lining.
This is also where most of the internal organs and external body structures develop. This natural process forms before all time, before the actual life, the life energy of creation, the embryo, which on the 21st day after conception or fertilisation of an egg. When the creation life energy enters the embryo on the 21st day after conception, an energy impulse occurs that immediately leads to independent life, through which the new consciousness is also awakened. After this, actual life begins in the womb, whereby the embryo grows, becomes larger and thus begins the so-called embryonic stage, which lasts around 8 weeks, during which the embryo develops into a fetus, which takes place around 10 weeks after fertilisation. Then, usually 9 months after fertilisation, the foetus that has developed into a baby born. After birth, this baby grows and becomes an adult human being, who is supplied with the life energy of creation throughout its development and lifespan until it dies, and thus until the time of its death - and thus before the decay and decay of the material body.
What to understand ...
The evolutionary task of man, as a materialised form of creation life energy, is to build himself up in all good things in such a way that all the power of the life impulse is able to build up and assert itself better and stronger, but this is only possible if man, through independent and conscious thought and logical action, righteously endeavours to learn what he has to learn as a whole and thereby becomes aware of what life means and how he should live it, so that he can manifest and grow the power of creation energy in daily life. However, no theory is appropriate or necessary for this, because such a theory usually only leads to confusion and confusion and thus the confusing 'swimming in problems', which pushes away logical solutions. Even if theories appear interesting and tempting, they do not allow logical solutions to be found, but prevent them realised in practice.
This is especially true when it comes to learning to a real person. This requires a great deal of understanding, tolerance and neutrality towards , as well as enjoyment of all the work to be done and a willingness to put in the effort, Generosity and helpfulness.
This is also necessary with regard to co-operation with fellow human beings, whereby empathy and forbearance are also necessary, as well as loyalty, love, integrity and joy etc. These values, as well as many other behavioural values, are the practical themes of the Nokodemion teaching, which is the 'teaching of truth, teaching of creation energy, teaching of life', which should be learned by the people of the earth and dealt with and thereby grow within themselves in order to become true human beings and in this way they should appreciate and honour creation.
What creation really is ...
Creation is not a religiously conceived imaginary God, nor is it a large or small being that would somehow conceive of all kinds of events in a human, human-like, 'divine', determining, directing or guiding manner and realise them effectively or have them realised by humans, etc. Creation is not a being of religion, a word that is etymologically highly controversial and whose meaning is not clearly defined. Creation is not an essence of religion, a word that is etymologically highly controversial and whose meaning is not clearly defined. Even in ancient times, the word On the one hand, 'religio' has the meaning of 'binding back', while on the other hand, the term religion called 'religare' in Latin, which means ' bind' or 'to tie'. Marcus Tullius Cicero, the eldest son of a Roman knight, interpreted 'religare' as 'to read something again' and also as 'to reconsider'. (Note: The name comes from the Latin term 'Cicer', which means'chickpea'.) Cicero was the most famous orator in ancient Rome, as well as a lawyer, politician, philosopher and writer, who was also referred to as a climber and upstart because he was the first of his clan to hold the office of consul and therefore known as 'homo novus', which also means 'new man'. This was in the year 63 , when Cicero held the consulship.
He was the highest magistrate of the Roman Republic and had far-reaching power, so he was also able to put down the attempt to overthrow the government Senator Lucius Sergius Catilina, who tried to usurp the power of the Roman Republic through the 'conspiracy'. Cicero was then honoured by the Senate as the 'father of the fatherland' for defeating the attempted coup).
Creation is therefore not an imaginary existing being that should be worshipped, but simply with dignity and honour. It is not what is erroneously called 'God' by delusional believers and worshipped as such a fantasy figure. This, just as in Christianity an alleged son of God called Jesus Christ - who is supposed to be a son of God as a result of lying and deceptive claims by delusional believers - is also not be worshipped or reverently idolised. The same applies other gods who worship one or more gods through religious belief and sectarian faith or other delusional beliefs in God.
Creation is neither commanding, demanding nor begging, for truthfully Creation is in reality and truth in its entire 7 universes encompassing creation space - which is given in 7 different main dimensions in the same space - completely neutral, so that in the entire cosmos/matter belt it consequently with its energy and power all-encompassing nature, faunas and floras of all genera and species on all open faunal and floral life-bearing planets and moons of the 7 universes simply lets everything live, evolve, change, mutate, unfold and work myriad times in the same way as it was created and given in a completely and emphatically neutral way in primeval times.
Everything together in its myriad forms is completely incomprehensible to human intelligence, as well as to its mind - no matter how highly, widely and knowledgeably developed it may be.
This also applies to everything else that exists in the entire cosmos or the matter belt, all suns, planets, asteroids, comets, stardust and the universe or outer space, in which electrons, neutrons and protons fundamentally formed in the 'primordial soup', which developed over time and duration into ionised deuterium atoms and hydrogen atoms, from which helium subsequently resulted through their fusion, etc. Before all this happened, there was only the nihilo, the nothingness, or the eternal and timeless, endless nothingness, before it emerged - which is inexplicable in human terms that impulses from the nihilo resulted in the absolute forms becoming or coming into existence, whereby a total of 7 absolute forms or absolute universes or absolute levels emerged from it, which are to be described as follows:
Absolutum forms are Absolutum universes or Absolutum creations or
Absolutum levels, whose 7 exist and result from the highest to the lowest, as
BEING -Absolutum,
Creations-Absolutum ,
Central-Absolutum ,
6) Primal Absolutum ,
7) Absolute Absolutum
From the lowest absolute form 'Absolute Absolute' emerged the first 49 simple creations or universes, each 7-fold and each with its own dimensions, whereby these lowest forms of creation, i.e. universes, have 7 belts in themselves, the 4th of which corresponds to the material belt or the cosmos, which is generally known to man as the visible universe with all its galaxies, nebulae, asteroids, comets, meteors, suns, planets and moons, as well as all the stardust, solar winds and space particles, etc. This, while the remaining 6 belts consist of pure creation energy, namely of different energy forms.
All Absolutum creations or Absolutum universes or all Absolutum forms or Absolutum levels or all Absolutum pure creation energy levels were created only once by the SEIN absolute or by the SEIN creation, which was created in its permanent SEIN primordial energy and permanent SEIN primordial power by the Nihilo, which exists in the endless duration of space infinity, which however remains incomprehensible to the human being of the earth in every way.
Since the absolute forms 2 to 7 were created by the SEIN-Absolutum - which became from the impulse of nihilo - no further absolute forms have been created by the SEIN-Absolutum. Of all the 7 absolute forms, only the lowest 'Absolute Absolutum' creates and has created universe forms since it came into existence, which, as the simplest and lowest universe forms, became capable of producing energy and force as well as substances for gross matter and volume-stable and form-unstable liquid aggregate states, as well as for independent living beings or organisms and thus life.
Thus the preconditions were given for the matter belt, the 4th belt of solid matter or the cosmos in all 7 universes, which are all called together as creation and exist in the same creation space, but which are separated by 7 main dimensions, whereby each planet or moon etc., each cosmos in each universe, has its own and uncountable dimensions of the past and future.
In each of the 7 universes, a cosmos or a material universe belt is created. In this way, the 'Absolute Absolute' created a unique multiple creation of 49 simple or lower universes or creations-universal consciousness as the first effect, in order to subsequently create only single universes or twin universes of lower form. These lower uni- verses or forms of creation evolve independently upwards to the Primordial Creation, in order to then become the Central Creation, but as in further development in 1049-fold form further - after countless myriads of years - to higher developing forms of creation or universes, until a fusion with the 'Absolute Absolute' takes place.
The lowest universe or the lowest form of creation - e.g. the universe known to Earth humans, which is called the DERN universe by the Plejars and has a sister universe, the DAL universe, as this is called by the Plejars of the ANKAR universe -or this form of universe is the only one in countless kinds of the given, which has a matter belt in its 7-belt expanse, the cosmos as the 4th belt. Gases, electrons, neutrons and protons etc. as well as all 280 elements are formed in this belt, of which only around 120 will be known to earthly science by the year 2000, after which the number of 280 elements will remain unexplored by earthlings for a long time into the current 20th millennium and beyond.
Just as the creation space widths are given in all 7 universes of creation, i.e. the values are equally valid in all cosms and galaxies and influence everything, they are also given in all nebulae, suns, black holes, matter clouds, neutrino clouds, sunbeams, in stardust and in the space particles, as well as in all kinds of planets, moons, comets, meteors and asteroids, etc., and ultimately also in all the tiniest and largest life forms, and ultimately in all the tiniest and largest life forms, and are a decisive influence on the development and evolution of everything and everyone.
In the inevitable change of time and endless duration, the lowest creations universes or creations thus change into primordial universes or primordial creations, as they then continue to do, in order to then, when they have developed in this way, merge with the 'Absolute Absolute'. As part of this, it then helps to create new self-acting creation-energetic impulses, which - referred to as the 'original idea' - enable the creation of a new lowest universe or a new creation.
These very subtle creation-energetic impulses - the 'original idea' - develop independently from the 'Absolute Absolute'. The next subsequent form of creation develops again in its expansion through evolution, so in the course of the duration of millions of years out of the lowest form of creation, whereby the same development takes place again as that which preceded it. This results in a new energy and force, a new universe or a new creation with a gross material belt, with galaxies and stars, i.e. suns, as well as planets, comets and asteroids, etc., as well as on planets and moons, etc. Faunas and floras as well as ultimately, according to possible conditions, gross material life forms are created.
In this way, the next new creation full of energy and power is already being created again, which is purely created-energetically, but which man on earth banal only calls nature, but which is the creation-universe with all values in everything and everyone but which is given in all 7 creation-universes - whereby the overall nature and all its energy and power and thus the true existence of the all-encompassing creation is.
Repeating what absolute forms and creation forms are, as well as their meaning, development and importance!
All Absolutum creations or Absolutum universes or Absolutum forms or Absolutum levels were aligned by the Nihilo in such a way that effectively only once by the Permanent-SEIN-Absolutum-Urenergy and Permanent-SEIN-Urkraft of the SEIN absolute, the 6 other lower absolute forms were created. This, while everything emerged from the 'nothing-vacuum' of the nihilo in a completely impulse-generating way through the so-called 'primordial big bang' - as man calls the primordial beginning of the emergence of the universe or creation. Apart from the SEIN absolute form, which was created from the nihilo as the primordial beginning, no other absolute form of this kind has found an existence as absolute-creation-universal consciousness since its primordial existence.
Of all the 7 absolute forms that were created, only the 'BEING Absolute Absolute Creation Consciousness' was impulsively created first. The 6 other and lower absolute forms were created by the SEIN Absolute, whereby only the lowest absolute form, the 'Absolute Absolute', creates the simplest and lowest form of creation or the lowest universe form, which has a gross-material universe belt, a cosmos. In this way the 'Absolute Absolute' creates that - which can be understood by man on earth as the primordial creation-creator of the known universe - which also constantly creates the simple creation as a low universe, which on the one hand has a matter belt or a cosmos and thus a visible 'universe', but this only erroneously assumed and 'understood' as a 'universe' by man on earth because he believes the cosmos to be the entire universe.
However, he has neither a clue nor the effective knowledge that the universe has 7 equally large belts, of which the 4th is the visible cosmos with all its material formations, while before that there are 3 and after that 3 more belts of pure energy. And that the 7fold is given as universes, which are 'interwoven' in the entire space of creation in their own main dimensions and are not tangent to each other, is all the more unknown to man on earth.
The lower forms of creation from the 'Absolute Absolute' evolve in the course of the endless duration - to be understood by the earthly human being, in myriads of years - back up to the creating primordial creation, i.e. to the 'Absolute Absolutum'.
'Absolute Absolutum ', in order to then evolve in the course of time up to the central creation consciousness and to the SEIN Absolute.
However, before this can occur, further development must take place through the lowest form of creation before the highest level of the 'Absolute BEING' can be reached, whereby only the 10th (49th)stage of evolution ends, which leads to the fusion with the 'Absolute '. For the human being on earth, the lowest universe or the lowest form of creation is to be understood as the DERN universe, in which he lives and exists in the SOL system on planet earth, in the Milky Way galaxy of the visible cosmos.
Earthly humanity exists in this DERN universe - so called by the Plejars from the ANKAR universe. This universe, i.e. the creation, which has a matter belt or cosmos in its 7-belt expanse, in which gases, electrons and all 280 elements are found in all galaxies and nebulae, suns, black holes, matter clouds, neutrino clouds etc. as well as in planets, moons, comets, meteors etc. and ultimately in the smallest and largest life forms, ensures, among other things, that life can exist at all.
If, in the course of time, the lowest forms of creation or the lowest universe forms change to the form of the 'Absolute Absolutum' as a result of their many myriad years of evolution, then these create through creation-generating vibrational impulses - which are referred to as the 'original idea' - which then contribute to the new creation of one or more lowest universes/creations, which consequently develop independently from the impulses or the 'original idea'.
The next subsequent form of creation in the expansion through evolution from the lowest form of creation then no longer has a gross material belt with galaxies and celestial bodies as well as gross material life forms, because the next evolutionary stage is already only of a purely creation-energetic form. And what about the The 'original idea' still needs to be explained: it is not an actual idea, but solely a very powerful, creative, energetic vibrational impulse.
Nature and all its existence, energy and power are all the universe-wide creation known to man on earth, which is integrated and existing or pulsating with life in the whole and in all universe-wide and in all existence and life. This, whereby everything in the 4th of the 7 belts of the universe in the matter belt or cosmos can be visibly perceived by people on earth. In all 7 universes of Creation that contain within themselves, these are differently dimensioned, and in these 7 universes the same creative energy and power works as a whole, although all of the 7 universes are dimensionally separate and in this way Creation consists in itself and in the same space of 7 different universes in 7 main dimensions, through which, however, all 7 are different and separate from each other and are not tangential to each other.
Sunday, 6 February 1949
Edi Meier, Niederflachs 1253, Bülach
This is an authorized translation of a FIGU publication. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English. The British-English language has been specifically elected by the Plejaren as being the most suitable English language variation for the translation of all German FIGU publications.