The creational purpose of the human beings life is Love! This Love may be physically (materially) seen, heard, touched, smelled and tasted, moreover non-physically (immaterially) finely-felt and/or perceived, in ALL that the human being knows (understands, recognizes and cognizes) to BE (exist as pure Nature) and equally in all that remains still hidden to the human being (ununderstood and/or unseen), which all is in of itself, and all else that has come to pass, and has come into BEING, and remains in existence, in such is the Creation. This purpose of the human beings existence is fulfilled via the course of Evolution. It is the advancement and continued development of our BEING at a constant pace to ever higher-levels throughout the entirety of the material and immaterial existence, from the young to the old, through the striving to the overcoming, from the becoming to the passing, and into the beyond to the reincarnation, in endless succession, that evolution of the human being is achieved.
Evolution not only serves to bring human beings to a high-level of knowledge and wisdom so they may lead a life in harmony with the Creation's Laws and Recommendations, but via the evolution of the human being, the Creation is assisted with its own evolution, as it remains in its own state of relative-perfection, which is in no way comparable to the state of relative-perfection of that of the human being, but to which remains the reason the human being remains in such a state of perfection-striving, so to speak. It is to be understood, that just as the human being and all life is in need of evolutionary advancement, so too is the Creation (the Universal Consciousness and/or Being of Consciousness). Even the Creation (and all its Created forms), is only relatively-perfect and it too must evolve to rise to higher-forms of its own form of existence, as well as to be able to continuously create and bring forth anew higher-forms to exist, from the love and wisdom attained from all that has been, and all that will be. For without such purpose, the point of existence, would cease to exist.
The entirety of the ultimate goal of the human being, respectively the BEING Human in the material coarse-matter world, is achieved via attaining the highest possible human development by way of evolution through the Seven Main Stages of Life (Mental-Block Stages and/or Periods), with their corresponding sevenfold subdivisions of Primary Life, Rational Life (Rationality-Based Life and/or Life of Reason), Intellectual Life, Real Life, Creational Life, Spiritual Life and the Creation Life (Life of the Creation), to which the stage of Rational-Life remains the current level of the average human being. The principal Seven Areas of Evolution of the Human Being are Knowledge, Wisdom, Love, Truth, Law-fulfillment, Equalizedness and Creating. Enumerated below, are mere examples of the interconnectedness (Oneness) between all life-areas. These are given in no set order (as 1 is equally 7), for not only has the natural course of evolution of the human being been dissuade due to belief/faith/unresponsibility/etc. since time immemorial, but correspondingly it is such that humans in their individuality naturally remain at varying comprehension-levels and ages (evolutionary stages), thus each experience and evolve through the life-stages diversely, amongst other determining factors:

1. Love: may -not- be found in the marrying/joining together for vain reasons, in degenerated forms or assumed affective-love, titillation of the loins, emotional infatuation, mental obsession, enjoyment in possessions, amusement in leisure, other transiency's, etc. -but- effective-love may be embarked upon by way of the evolving of affective-love forms, in balancing the thoughts and feelings, the positive and the negative, forming neutrality, and in such 2. Equalizedness.
2. Equalizedness: may be found in true acceptance of thy fellow human as equal, by way of transforming lovelessness, judgement, anger, annoyance, indifference, resentment, etc. into love, acceptance, happiness, understanding, consideration, and forgiveness. By way of forging harmony via transforming dissonance into consonance, because such a balance of the consciousness is the criterion to all creative-thinking and acting, which lays the foundation for all that is good to be brought-forth for the 3. Creating.
3. Creating: may be found in myriad forms of creational-works (not solely the overly-observed proliferation of life), such as the cultivating of physical and consciousness abilities, etc. and in the contribution of these faculties toward communal aide to society and the whole of humanity (not solely for one’s own life benefit), for the advancement / embetterment of all (for all) in living, welfare, etc., all of which inclines the human being to explore the diverse spheres of the life, of which encourages the road to 4. Knowledge.
4. Knowledge: may be found in continuous comprehensive-learning, to which vast information of diverse subject-matters may be attained, retained and used, which beckons continual reflection and introspection, that the application of the cognitive-process of using absolute reason and logic ensues (putting the learned-knowledge to use), which paves the way for realization (awareness) of the true-fathoming of 5. Truth.
5. Truth: may be found in the recognizing (the awareness and considering of what ‘may’ be of truth) and acknowledging (the understanding and reasoning of what ‘is’ of truth) of reality (what is real vs unreal) and its true-truth (to be found where the truthliness of all truth remains unchanged, because truth is constant), which brings about the essence of 6. Wisdom.
6. Wisdom: may be found in the everyday real practical consciousness use of what is learned (knowledge), and the human being whom is aware of their purpose for being (truth), and fully acknowledges their inner-world (Creation-Energy = Spirit), and cooperates with it to fulfill the laws (via embracing and living in their experiences = lived-through knowledge), perception ripens and the essence of wisdom is won, and that which may now be achieved is 7. Law-fulfillment.
7. Law-fulfillment: may be found in the Creation-Energy Teaching (the formerly regarded Spiritual Teaching). The teaching remains the sole path for the human being of earth to just and rightful Law-Fulfillment, because it teaches that All-is-One (Oneness), and that All-is-1. Love (the returning to the highest law - which is why 1 is equally 7)!
Love is the highest Law, as the absolute certainty of co-existing with all that remains in existence, correspondingly it remains the main virtue and recommendation of the Creation, whereby the second is Love for the next-one. In truth, the term next-one is not solely indicative of thy fellow human being, but interrelates the fauna and flora, nature and the planet, and all life respectively. Love is the law to which all other laws adhere and cohere, and therefore follow. Thus as Love encompasses all, therein leads to the natural fulfillment of the laws, once the human being learns to Love in Truth (True Love), both within and without. Once such Love has been fathomed by the human being, nought may put asunder ... Die Liebe! Where may it be found? … Within the Laws and Recommendations of the Creation (Goblet of the Truth), in oneness with searching both within and without!
"If, in doing so, you give up all lovelessness, all unpeace as well as all disharmony and unfreedom by which you are bound, and if you practice the status of equalizedness and neutrality in yourselves, then over the course of time an inner blossoming of that inner love and beauty will arise which opens the entire life in full magnificence."
Goblet of the Truth 23:50
"Truly, the truthliness of all truth is only in the creative-powerful (creational) laws and recommendations, and it alone is that which cannot delude and cannot be deluded."
Goblet of the Truth 16:25
The whole secret of a successful, good and healthy life-conduct consists of looking into oneself and adjusting oneself to the right thinking-form, to bring the thinking into harmony and consonance with the power of the spirit, in order to thus achieve the best possible absolutely full development of the present life.
Arahat Athersata 292:435
(Whose Lives are Illuminated by Love)