Very many human beings are not themselves because they adopt as their own the thoughts, feelings, and machinations of others, whereby they degenerate to anger, joylessness, hate, sorrow, and worries, etc. Generally, the human being does not understand that when he is raked over by others with bad words and actions, absorbs these in himself and makes them his own, he is not himself anymore, but he becomes an imitation of one who causes him harm or damage in any form. Truly, distance must be taken from this imitation because, fundamentally, the thoughts, feelings and machinations of harming, ill, and damaging intent are not the concern of those human beings who are subjected to the aggression, but they are alone the concern of malevolent people, antagonists, and self-proclaimed enemies, etc. And since everything is a concern of antagonists, a matter needing urgency is that thoughts, feelings, words, and machinations, etc., created by antagonists are not absorbed and made one's concern, as the opposite unfortunately is the case for many, in which the human being is not himself anymore, but he turns into the imitation of one who provokes unrest, strife, hate and slander, etc. But to not let these unworthy things get to himself and in order for him to not dwell on anger, sorrow, worries and hate, there is only one possibility for the attacked human being, which consists in that his own thoughts and feelings are directed on not taking seriously the aggression of antagonists and always being clear to himself and saying to himself, the thoughts and feelings of hate, the hostility, the ill words and the slander and machinations are alone the concern of antagonists but not his own. Thus, it means: All attacks and problems of any kind of hostile-minded people are not my concern but solely and alone theirs, with which they damage themselves, with which they themselves must cope.
Attacks of others, be it through thoughts and feelings, through words, hate, slander, or actions, may never be made one's concern because they essentially are the concern of the creators, who must cope with them themselves. Through their aggression against fellow human beings, they inflict damage on themselves, because their machinations affect their own thoughts and feelings, whereby they are peaceless and joyless in themselves and decline to vicious frustration.
Generally, attacks and problems of others must be ignored and warded off in a manner that they are the concern, the aggression, and problems of antagonists and not of one's own person. Only through this reasonable insight as well as reasonable ways of thinking, feeling, and acting can the human being protect himself against attacks, lies, incriminations, hate and slander, etc., of others because, in fact, the entire evil and problems of such things are not those of one's own person but those of the attackers and antagonists.
The attacks and problems of others are not my concern but that of the attackers must be the constant motto for attacked people who are raked over with words, thoughts, feelings, lies, problems, slander, and actions, etc. And if, in this form, the thoughts and feelings as well as ways of acting are cultivated, then the human being can free himself from the imitation of antagonists and truly be himself.
If the human being wants to be himself, then he must exercise no hostility, in fact, not even against his most wicked enemies and antagonists. If firstly the attacks and problems, etc., of antagonists are not considered as his own concern and are turned away as such to the attackers, then it is considered as more progressive form to peacefully confront the antagonists. This is to be done in such a way that they are kindly, lovingly, and peacefully met, and also that during frequent and as daily as possible opportunities, wishes of love and blessings are mentally and feelingly sent to them. This, on the one hand, prevents hostility towards the antagonists themselves from building up, and on the other hand, through this develops a valuable self-protection that prevents particularly evil thoughts and feelings and thereby malice, hate or the need for revenge, etc., from developing. The entire thing in fact has such an effect that, in general, everything has a beneficial impact on his own personality and on his own character and, out of that, a completely neutral-positive balanced attitude builds up.
How the human being thinks, thus he lives, and how the human being lives, thus he thinks; and what the human being thinks, that he is. This ancient wisdom is confirmed in the world of thoughts and feelings and in the actions of the human being. And if he truly and consciously tries to regard self-proclaimed enemies and antagonists, etc., only as human beings and not as enemies and antagonists and not to adopt their attacks and problems as his own but to turn these away to the creators, to simultaneously cultivate loving and peaceful thoughts for them, then all hostility fades, then only loving fellow human beings and friends, but never enemies, remain at the end of his life.
‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier
February 5th 1980
This is an authorized translation of a FIGU publication. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English. The British-English language has been specifically elected by the Plejaren as being the most suitable English language variation for the translation of all German FIGU publications.